WORK ( 60 ) 1«234 Flow of job-hunting activities 2019/07/24 VISA WORK 2019 graduated international students have hard time to get hired in Japan 2019/07/21 TOPICS WORK [TOKYO] Job Fair for international job seekers “JOB HAKU” 2019/07/13 SEMINAR TOPICS WORK [OSAKA] Job Fair for international job seekers “JOB HAKU” 2019/07/13 SEMINAR TOPICS WORK Survey of Hiring of Foreigners by Industry 2019/07/09 TOPICS WORK December is the “target” month when looking for a job 2019/06/28 TOPICS WORK How to take the ID photo to put in your resume 2019/06/07 OTHERS WORK Etiquette for business cards – order of giving and receiving 2019/05/31 MANNER WORK Business etiquette for company visits. Basics of wear to sit 2019/05/10 MANNER WORK Things to know: Company positions and rank 2019/04/22 WORK Business Manner of greetings when working in Japan 2019/04/08 MANNER WORK Business Manners When Taking a Taxi If You Work in Japan 2019/03/26 MANNER WORK Up to 10 consecutive holidays! When is the beginning and the end for Golden Week in 2019? Why so long? 2019/02/22 OTHERS WORK Importance of time in Japan, What happens when you are late because of a delayed train? 2019/02/18 LIFE WORK What is “Ojigi”(bowing) without which you can’t get along with Japanese people? 2018/12/21 MANNER WORK 1«234