A “Must-see” if you are graduating in 2021 Survey on offer status by companies for new 2020 graduates

This post is also available in 日本語
MyNavi Corporation (major Japanese advertising company whose main business is the provision of job hunting, job transfer, and new graduate information, and the dispatch and introduction of human resources) has published the “2020 Graduate MyNavi Corporate New Graduate Offer Status Survey”, showing the result of the offer situation for hiring new graduates and outlook for the hiring of 2021 graduates. (1,349 companies responded) On this occasion, at the same time as looking at the results, we shall discuss the points that should be noted for those due to graduate in 2021.
[Placement ratio] When viewed from the whole, it is a seller’s market and there are approximately the same number of job offers as the previous year

The total “placement ratio (people with offers/applicants) including Japanese people hired was 4.0% lower than the previous year at 80.4%. When looking at the situation by industry, the highest placement ratio was in “Finance (99.8%)”, and “Retail (71.9%)” was 10.2pt lower than the previous year.

However, if we look at the number of graduates in 2020 in regard to the number of recruits for the previous year, the number of applicants has increased by 19.0%. For this reason, even if the placement rate has decreased slightly, the number of recruits for 2019 and number of offers of 2020 graduates are at approximately the same level.
[Hiring of foreign students] 15.2% of companies are looking to increase the number of graduates hired in 2021

Companies replying that they “hired (or plan to hire) foreign students” in 2020 and companies replying that “they carried out hiring activities but could not hire anyone” were a total of 15.2%. Of these, 37.0% were listed companies and 13.2% were unlisted companies.

In terms of companies planning to hire foreign students the following year (2021 graduate recruitment), companies “planning to hire” or “under review” were 36.3%. In particular, 56.1% of listed companies were “planning to hire” or “under review”, and more than half of the companies were considering increasing the number of hires. It can be said that the desire to hire foreign students is increasing.
[Hiring schedule] “Pre-informal offers of employment” were highest in April, and there is a trend for hiring to be brought forward.

When comparing the 2020 graduate hiring schedule results and the 2021 graduate hiring schedule plan, August is the most common period for starting internships for both, and the trend for starting this from summer is unchanged. However, when looking at the plan for 2021, the ratio of companies planning to start interviewing in March increased from 2020 (2020 graduates: 36.1% / 2021 graduates: 43.2%), and accompanying this the “pre-informal offers” were brought forward, and appear to peak in April.
Additionally, there is also the impact of the Tokyo Olympic and Paralympic games that are due to be held in July 2020, and it is expected that means of transportation to the event venues and securing of accommodation facilities will be more difficult than normal. 2021 graduates will need to act prudently when collecting information for company briefings and hiring screening schedules.
“2020 Graduate MyNavi Corporate New Graduate Offer Status Survey” Overview
[Survey method]
An email magazine was sent to “New graduate hiring support network” members of their new graduate support information site for personnel representative.
“MyNavi 2020” – send email magazine to company representative using the service
[Survey period] Notice – 2019/9/4 Deadline for receipt – 10/3
[Number of replies] 1,349 companies (listed companies 109/unlisted companies 1,240 companies)
Reference: https://www.mynavi.jp/news/2019/11/post_21798.html
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