How to Write/ “Taishokunegai (Resignation Requests)” and “Taishokutodoke (Resignation Notices)”

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When resigning from your job, it is necessary to carry out resignation procedures. In addition to this, in the case of foreign nationals, it is necessary to pay attention to visa procedures. First, you should check the employee regulations of your company for the resignation procedures. On this occasion, we shall briefly explain general “resignation procedures.”
Main types of resignation
You should note that the documents to be submitted and the way these are written differ in case where you resign for your own convenience or resign at the convenience of the company.
- Resignation for your own convenience
This involves resignation for your own personal reasons, such as changing jobs, getting married, providing nursing care, or returning to one’s own country. - Resigning at the convenience of the company
This refers to cases where you are dismissed (when your contract is unilaterally ended based on the judgement of the company). Quitting in response to a resignation recommendation (in other words, encouragement by the company for you to resign), this is also considered to be for the convenience of the company. If you are resigning at the convenience of the company, there is no need to submit a resignation request or resignation notice. Note that if you submit one of these, you may be judged to be resigning at your own convenience. - Expiration of contract period
If you are a contract employee, for example, the term of employment is fixed in advance, and if the contract is not renewed, you are considered to be terminated. If the contract expires, you will not need to submit a resignation letter or a resignation notice.
Resignation request/resignation notice, and letter of resignation
In general, there are three types of documents that a worker can use to declare his or her intention to quit their job.
- Resignation request
This is a document for you to request resignation if you want to resign. - Resignation notice
Once your resignation is approved and your retirement date is fixed, this document is used to notify you of your resignation. - Letter of resignation
This is a document for employees without company employment contracts, such as directors, officers, and government employees, to quit their jobs. This is not used by general company employees.
Flow of resignation
The procedure for resignation is not determined by law. This is defined separately by each company. If you want to resign, first check your employer’s work rules to see “who you need to inform and by when.” It is also necessary to confirm whether there is a “resignation notice documents or format” stipulated by the company.
- If you decide you want to resign, check the employee regulations and decide on your desired resignation date.
Note that there are cases when you need to give notice several months before the desired resignation date. - State your intentions to your direct supervisor and submit the resignation request.
This can be done verbally, but to avoid issues by later, you should also submit this in written form. - Once your resignation is approved, set the date of resignation and make a plan for passing on your work.
- Pass on your work to the next person and submit your resignation notice.
Confirm the necessary procedures for resignation and receive the necessary documentation. - Resign.
How to write the resignation request/resignation notice
In case there are no documents or format specified by the company, follow some general rules.
Write with a black ballpoint pen or fountain pen on A4 or B5 size white letter paper. The paper may be either lined or not lined. Choose a type where you can write vertically.

- In the middle of the first line, write “退職願” or “退職届”. Write a little, large letter.
At the bottom of the second line, write “私儀” or “私事”. This is used when you want to express something personal but in a formal way. - From the third line, you write your reason for resigning. You do not need to write this in detail. If you are leaving for your own convenience, write “一身上の都合により”. This covers all types of personal reason.
- In the case of a resignation request, write the desired resignation date. In the case of a resignation notice, write the fixed resignation date.
- In the case of a resignation request, write “退職いたしたく、お願い申し上げます”. In the case of a resignation notice, write “退職いたします”.
- On the next line, write the date you are submitting this.
- At the bottom of the next line, write your own department and name, and stamp it using your seal. Use a certified seal, rather than a self-inking stamp.
- Finally, write who you will submit this to.
Write the official name of the company, followed by a new line and write the full name of the President. You should not omit the official name of the company, such as (株).

When you have finished writing it, place it in a plain white envelope and submit it. As it may get creased if you put it in your pocket, it is better to carry it in a clear file.
Fold the paper in three after inserting it into an envelope. Fold the bottom of the paper first so that the text is facing inside. Following that, Then, fold the top side. On the front, write “退職願” or “退職届” vertically in the center of the envelope. On the reverse side, write your department and name on the bottom-left.
If you decide you want to resign, first check the employee regulations of your employer. If you are a foreign national, note that you may need to carry out visa procedures, etc. List all the things you need to do and work through them in a methodical manner.
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