[Quiz] Telephone Business Manner

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In Japan, there are many types of unique business etiquette. On this occasion, we shall provide a quiz regarding business etiquette when receiving a telephone call at your workplace. Please enjoy taking the quiz!
When the telephone rings at your workplace, within how many rings should you pick up the phone?

Correct answer: B
The person who has made the call has already been waiting approximately 10 seconds by the time the phone rings 3 times. Try to avoid having them wait too long.
If you pick up the phone within 3 rings, what is the first thing you should say?

Correct answer: B
“Moshi moshi” is a casual way of speaking. You should not use this in a business scenario. Following “Hai”, say your company name and name.
If you are unable to pick up the phone within 3 rings, what is the first thing you should say?

Correct answer: A
With your words, you want to give the feeling of being “terribly sorry”. If you keep them waiting longer than 5 rings, should initially apologize by saying “Taihen omatase itashimashita”.
If the other person on the call does not give their name, what should you do?

Correct answer: A
Before handling the call, confirm by saying “Osoreirimasu ga onsyamei to onamae wo ukagattemo yoroshiideshoka?”, and be sure to write it down. (Make sure you have a pen and paper ready at all times.) If the other party gives the name say, be sure to repeat the name “〇〇 no 〇〇 sama desune?”.
If the other person on the phone is speaking to quietly and you cannot hear them very well, what should you say?

Correct answer: B
Saying that the other person is speaking too quietly is considered rude.
What should you say if you need to keep the other person waiting to find a person to deal with the call or to look for some materials etc.?

Correct answer: A
“Chotto” is a casual phrase. Additionally, rather than requesting the other party to “Matte kudasai (Please wait)”, confirming the intention of the other party by saying “Omachi itadake masuka (Would you mind waiting)?” gives a more polite impression.
About how long is it acceptable to keep the other person waiting?

Correct answer: B
If you are likely to keep the other party waiting for longer than 30 seconds, it is better to disconnect the call and call them back. If you keep the other person waiting, make sure you use the hold function.
If the person whom you should transfer the call has gone to the toilet, what should you say?

Correct answer: B
If you know that the person who can deal with the call is in the office, and will return to their desk within a few minutes, or if they are on another call and will finish in a few minutes, you can use this expression. It is better to confirm by saying “Modori mashitara orikaeshi odennwa itashi mashoka? (Shall have them call you back when they return?)”
If the person whom you should transfer the call has out, what should you say?

Correct answer: A
In case the person who can deal with the call has left the office, or is in a meeting and will not be able to return to their desks within a few minutes, you should not use the expression “Seki wo hazushite orimasu”. You should communicate the fact that there are outside the office or in a meeting, as well as the predicted time that they will return to the office or the meeting will end. You should also confirm with whether the other party should call them back or you should deal with the matter in their place.
Your conversation on the phone has ended. Who should hang up the phone first?

Correct answer: B
解説The etiquette is to allow the person who called to hang up. However, if the conversation ends and the other party does not hang up, you can hang up yourself.
If you need to call somebody from another company outside office hours due to an urgent matter, what you should you say to start the call?

Correct answer: B
Normally, when you call, you would greet them by saying, “〇〇 sha no 〇〇 desu, itsumo osewa ni natte orimasu” However, if it is late and you are calling outside business hours, the correct etiquette is to apologize first.
“Business etiquette to avoid you becoming embarrassed when working” – Nihon Keizai Shimbun Publication, 2016
“Basic encyclopedia of business etiquette” , Ikeda Shoten, 2016
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